Khaled Falah

Assistant Professor of Business

Remote Location Virginia
Khaled Falah Photo
Dr. Falah has been serving as an associate professor at Campbellsville University since late 2016 teaching and mentoring students in various MBA and MIS courses. Prior to that, Dr. Falah served as an adjunct professor at ITT Tech for 8 years, teaching various engineering, IT, and management courses. Dr. Falah as a practitioner has served since 2001 as a CIO for various District government agencies including the Department of Transportation (DDoT), Department of General Services (DGS), Office of State Superintendent of Education (OSSE), and various leadership roles in non-profits. Dr. Falah travels nationwide and delivers best practices in leadership and project management seminars to empower local communities. Dr. Falah is a Federally certified Chief Information Officer, a Federally certified enterprise architect, and PMP certified. Dr. Falah enjoys fishing, hiking, and has a hidden talent of calligraphy.